1" FRP Fiberglass Grating  |  1x4" Rectangle  |  4x12' Molded Fiberglass Floor Grating Panels and Sheets

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FRP Grating
4' x 12' SHEET

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Resin and GritColors
General Purpose
With Grit
Dark Grey
General Purpose
Without Grit
Dark Grey
Isophthalic Polyester
With Grit
Dark Grey
Isophthalic Polyester
Without Grit
Dark Grey
Vinyl Ester
With Grit
Dark Grey
Vinyl Ester
Without Grit
Dark Grey

  • Manufactured by interweaving continuous wetted fiberglass strands in a mold with thermosetting resin
  • One piece construction results in strong, highly corrosion resistant composite
  • Superior strength and durability compared to steel
  • Easy to install, lightweight, non-conductive, non-magnetic and low maintenance
  • Resin options: General Purpose (Polyester), ISO (Isophthalic Polyester) and VE (Vinyl Ester)
  • Color options: Yellow, Orange, Green, Gray
  • Grit surface available to enhance slip resistance, reduce wear and provide safe walking surface
  • Used in various industries including food processing, beverage, chemical processing, water / wastewater treatment, metal finishing, pulp / paper, transportation, pharmaceutical, textile, oil / gas and mining / smelting / refining
  • Typical applications include floor systems, walkways, work platforms, stairs, ramps, trench covers and catwalks
FRP Floor Grating

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1" x 4" RECTANGLE1"4'12'
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